I rendered out where I left things. Next I'll add some camera moves, and looped motion to add more energy to it. Still rough.
I 've been wanting to explore Toon Boom rigging and how it integrates with my drawings on paper. Scanned and imported into the program, they became the underdrawing for creating the first pass. Raw drawings above. I like to keep it rough until I get the desired amount of gesture. Though I felt like I could've pushed it further, in the interest of moving forward, I stopped here. Drawings above .
The Kid & the Troll.
The troll character is from a parody book I illustrated last year. I intentionally kept the drawing kind of rough since it matches the book's illustration style and that seems to gives it more life. 
I was asked to do some preliminary  sketches for a project about Harvey Kurtzman - on spec. I really hope this project happens!

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